Barbie fashion fairytale dolls
Barbie fashion fairytale dolls

barbie fashion fairytale dolls

Fashion Designer: Barbie's Aunt Millicent is a fashion designer with her own fashion house in Paris, France (the fashion capital of the world)-and her biggest rival, Jacqueline, has a fashion house just across the street from Millicent's.Barbie, after a point, starts to sound like Sora with the inspirational speeches.Expy: Lilianna Roxelle's basically just a nicer version of Wilhemina Slater.Everything's Better with Sparkles: The entire point of the Flairies.Costume Porn: A Barbie standard, but in this film it extends to everything.

barbie fashion fairytale dolls

  • Continuity Nod: Barbie once filmed the Three Musketeers.
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: Teresa, who believes the internet is run by Underground Mind Control Experts.
  • Thus the obnoxious director distort the story of a fairy tale because of "fashionable" elements and refuse dialogue to the point of firing Barbie, while the latter tries in vain to calmly explain that the really cool tale is going to be lost.

    #Barbie fashion fairytale dolls movie

    Judging from Barbie's argument with the movie director, the writers were not too happy about it. Because, certainly, it was required from Mattel. This movie was one of the first Barbie movies with a modern setting and themes, and no inspiration from fairy tales anymore. Biting-the-Hand Humor: Sort of, in the overture scene.Amazing Technicolor Population: The Flairies are varying shades of pink and purple.Ken does just that, but he gets into some rather.interesting situations along the way. Meanwhile, it turns out that Ken's "break up" with Barbie was orchestrated by her rival, Raquelle-Grace and Teresa tell Ken that if he wants Barbie back, he has to go to France and make a "grand romantic gesture" to her in person.

    Barbie fashion fairytale dolls